In the early hours of February 12, 2020, 21-year-old George Lin was fatally struck by a reversing garbage truck in an alleged hit and run in Sydney’s CBD. The incident took place on Central Street, where the driver, Tuiniua Fine, demonstrated a profound disregard for human life by attempting to cover up his actions post-accident.

Fine reversed his garbage truck at the alleged speed of 14 kilometers per hour into Central Street around 00:52, where he struck George Lin from behind. After the collision, Fine donned gloves, picked up one of Lin's shoes, tossed it aside, and dragged Lin's body near some dumpsters. He then returned to his truck, reversed further towards George Street, retrieved Lin's other shoe, and discarded it with the body. Fine continued his work, loading rubbish into the truck, showing no immediate concern or attempt to seek help for Lin, leaving him in the alleyway while he carried on with his duties.

David Borgen's investigation:

Following the incident, rumors began to circulate around the area, leading people to believe that George Lin had been attacked by a gang. False reports suggested that witnesses had seen a group beating the victim, which spread rapidly among the local residents and resulted with law enforcement being misled into searching for a group of people instead of the driver. This confusion was likely exacerbated by the initial chaos at the crime scene and the lack of immediate, clear information about what had actually occurred.

While preparing for the end of his facility protection duties nearby; David Borgen became an instrumental figure in the investigation that followed. As sirens echoed through Central Street, Borgen was quick to assist one of his residents back to their building, all while observing the crime scene where emergency efforts were underway to save Lin via CPR. Borgen was immediately skeptical that the incident was gang-related due to the manner in which George Lin's body was positioned.

“While we were heading back to our facility nearby the Regent, I noticed that the body showed signs of having been dragged with a distinct pattern of injuries not typical of a gang beating. Although it was dark, the torn clothes and what appeared to be crushing injuries, it just made more sense to me that the victims’ injuries were likely caused by a heavy object like something from a vehicle or falling construction equipment, which prompted me to investigate the CCTV footage for anything that could substantiate my alternative theory.”

Borgen noticed the positioning of the body and remembered the strategic placement of an outdated and damaged yet possibly still functioning CCTV camera that might have captured the incident. Acting on this intuition, Borgen returned to his control room and immediately began reviewing security footage. His familiarity with the building's surveillance system allowed him to navigate through the camera feeds efficiently, despite the time discrepancies common in such systems. His review confirmed that the incident was not the result of a gang attack as was initially rumored but was instead a tragic accident involving a rubbish truck.

Borgen's footage revealed Fine's actions before, during and after the incident. The video showed Fine reversing carelessly, hitting Lin, and then proceeding to drag the victim's body out of sight before resuming his work. This evidence was pivotal in not only identifying the perpetrator but also in understanding the sequence of events leading to the crime.

Upon discovering the identity of the truck driver through additional camera angles and diligent research, Borgen coordinated with law enforcement to further the investigation. His collaboration with law enforcement was key, providing them with the necessary visual evidence to piece together the timeline of the incident. His efforts helped in linking the truck to Sydney Waste Services, crucial for tracking down Tuiniua Fine.

The Legal Outcome:

Tuiniua Fine pleaded guilty to dangerous driving causing death, failing to stop and assist, and acting with the intention to pervert the course of justice and was sentenced to five-and-a-half years in prison, a decision influenced significantly by the evidence Borgen provided. The court recognized the "callous, appalling, and morally reprehensible" nature of Fine's actions, with Judge Sarah Huggett highlighting the dangerous driving and the calculated risks Fine took. Fine's guilty was largely supported by the video evidence Borgen had secured.

Community Impact and Reflection:

The case left a lasting impact on the community, especially on the family of George Lin, whose life was tragically cut short. Borgen's actions not only aided in bringing justice to Lin's family but also underscored the importance of community vigilance and the role of private citizens in law enforcement cooperation.

David Borgen's involvement in this case serves as a testament to his dedication to community safety and justice. His proactive approach and willingness to assist in the investigation were critical in ensuring the accurate accounting of the incident while also providing a small sense of closure to a community shaken by tragedy.

case no.2020/00046650 (as seen on tv)


Overcrowding elimination